Black Lives Matter


This moment has brought a unique opportunity for deep reflection of our values and responsibility as human beings.

As a cis-gender white female I acknowledge my own privilege and responsibility as a therapist before and after this call to action. This is a time to listen attentively, engage in difficult conversations and ask ourselves the questions that we are called to answer in this moment: What do I stand for? Where are my blind spots? Why has it taken this much time and suffering for me to pay attention?

Consider this both a time for education AND action. A time for soul-searching AND listening. This requires willingness, compassion, empathy, and openness as we understand the difficult truths of our country’s history and of those who have been marginalized, traumatized, and ignored. As we will undoubtedly make mistakes along the way, we must continue moving forward to a system that provides equal protection, justice, opportunity, and dignity for people of color.

My renewed commitment to helping individuals bring the unconscious to the conscious includes exploring the systemic beliefs that have kept us from true change. I am re-dedicating my practice to inclusivity, equality and deep compassion which I whole heartedly believe in as a catalyst for growth.

I welcome feedback, questions and curiosity and I will continue to listen to and refer to the black voices leading this charge.

In Solidarity, Sara Solomon


A Poem


Therapeutic Resources for The Black Community